
Pope's Tweets

About Us

How did Catholic Radio - KDUA get on the air?

After nearly five years of negotiations, prayer, and the generosity of a few local Catholic families, Catholic Radio KDUA hit the airwaves. In 2005, St. Anthony of Padua Educational Association, Inc. began broadcasting a mix of Catholic programming from the Relevant Radio and EWTN Radio Network.
Almost from the beginning, KDUA has produced local programming, such as Hearing the Call with Marvin Fairchild, and Seasons of Change with Msgr. David LeSieur and Patti Brunner.
KDUA is committed to serving the area by feeding both the mind and the body. Through partnerships with Uniquely Catholic Book and Gift and the St. Vincent dePaul Food Pantry we have been able to supplement our listeners with good Catholic resources and Feed our poor through sponsorship of the SVDP garden.
KDUA is 100% supported by listeners and business owners like you! The Board of Directors is made up of five non-paid individuals with a deep love of the faith. KDUA depends upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God's gift of grace, and the generosity of the Catholic faithful of NW Arkansas to bring this work to complete realization. Please pray for this lay apostolate, and ask the Holy Spirit to inspire and guide your financial support of this missionary work of spreading the Gospel.

The Mission:

St. Anthony of Padua Educational Association, Inc. is dedicated to answering the call of the late Holy Father, John Paul II, for a New Evangelization. Our charism in the mission of evangelization is to broadly employ broadcast media to transmit the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the fullness of the living Tradition as preserved, revered and proclaimed by the Catholic Church for 2000 years. Everyone involved recognizes this apostolate as an extraordinary gift, which we receive anew each day.

KDUA Board of Directors:


From left to right: Tom Rohr, Therese Rohr, Dan Grelle (former member), Karla Kent, and Doug Kent.